Monday, April 21, 2014

S is for Shopping, A to Z Challenge

I like to go shopping. I especially like to go to Petsmart.

iconWhen we go shopping there, we always get a lot of attention.

People stop and look at me, they pet me. I get to smell lots of people. Especially kids. They love me best of all because I wag my tail at them, and I am cute. I am also short so their mommas are not scared of me. I am a good dog afterall.

I sometimes get my nails done there. I don't like that part so much. But I need it done or my feet get weird.

When we are done shopping, we get to buy treats. Sometimes its a new toy,  sometimes it is a bone or a pack of snacks. I love all of those things.

On the way home, I am sure to leave lots of hair in mommas car. She likes it, even though she says she doesn't.

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