Saturday, April 5, 2014

E is for Exciting

E is for excited today.

Here is a brief list of things that are exciting to me:

1. Toddlers, love them

2. Toddler's food, mmmm

3. Toddler's toys, mmmmm

4. Dad - I love my momma, but MAN I am happy to see Daddah when he gets home from work. I practically wag my bottom off. He smells great.

5. Grilling- sometimes Daddah drops food and I eat it

6. The car- I love going places in the car. Sometimes if it is a long trip I get sick and need benadryl. One time I even went on a long trip with momma and got so sick I pooped in her office. She gave me bendaryl ever since that trip and now I don't poop except where I should.

7. Other dogs- they smell great. OMG. Especially their butts.

8. Paper. I like to eat it.

9. Bunnies- in the yard. I chase them. I go nuts when I see them. I have never caught one. (momma says PHEW...)

10. Schnuggles. I get really excited when I get schnuggles. I may step on you. I may push my head all up on you. I may lick you, but only if you smell like I should. I am not much of a licker really.

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