Wednesday, April 16, 2014

N is for Spay and Neuter Your Pets, A to Z Challenge

Things have been pretty light around here lately with the A to Z Challenge, and that is ok. But today I would like to officially back up and discuss something that is important to all dogs, and even cats out there.

Spaying and neutering. This is a process that I have undergone, and I have to say, that although it was not the most pleasant day of my life, it is crucial to saving other dogs from having to go through life unwanted.

Every day there are thousands of my fellow dogs being put to sleep because no one can love them. The reasons are all over the chart momma tells me.

Some dogs are mixed breeds and do not have any "status" so no one picks them. Some have some behavior issues like chewing or barking. No one has given them proper training and they don't act nice at home. Some are "too old" for the owner so they just took them to the pound so they could be put down when no one else wanted them.

Some are legitimately sick. Momma said she adopted a tiny tiny kitten at the county pound years ago before I was born. They were so teeny tiny that they kept falling into a drain in the kennel. I guess back in those days they didn't have a place for little kittens to be safe... anyway, momma brought the kitten home and loved on the little girl. She had fleas really bad, and momma tried to help her, but it was so sad because that kitten died that night. As it turned out, all of the litter died from some disease that I don't know about. Momma was so sad. Those poor kittens only lived a few weeks, and their momma died, and then they did.

Momma says if that momma cat had been neutered, those kittens wouldn't have had to have such short miserable lives with no one to even love most of them.

Every day there are so many dogs and cats that suffer because people don't help them. It is so easy there days to find an inexpensive spay or neuter clinic. The pound that I came from did it right away so momma didn't have to worry about it. There are loads of dogs and cats at the pounds that already had their surgery, so if people adopt them, they don't even have to wait.

If you get a new friend in your house, check out this link to help them get spayed or neutered for a low cost:

There are LOADS of places to try.

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